Leana Gooriah

Leana Gooriah

Post-Doctorante, INRAE / Biodiversité


Mail : leana.gooriah@inrae.fr

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Projet de recherche

Multi-BEF : Impacts of the surrounding multitrophic biodiversity on ecosystem multifunctionality
Encadrement : Gaëtane Le-Provost (INRAE, UMR SAVE)
Financement : The German Research Foundation (DFG)
Période : 2023 - 2026

Description du projet

Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning (BEF) research has established that plot-scale biodiversity can significantly influence various ecosystem functions. However, the implications of large-scale biodiversity changes on ecosystem services remain relatively unexplored. Recent empirical studies have highlighted the critical role of surrounding plant diversity in supporting ecosystem services (e.g., Le Provost et al. 2023). However, most studies have primarily focused on plant diversity alone, while previous research has emphasized the importance of biodiversity across multiple trophic levels in sustaining ecosystem functioning (Soliveres et al. 2016).
Our project aims to investigate the hypothesis that surrounding biodiversity across various trophic groups is essential for preserving ecosystem multifunctionality. The project will be conducted within the Biodiversity Exploratories network (https://www.biodiversity-exploratories.de/en/), spanning long-term experimental grasslands across three different regions in Germany. The objective is to examine changes in biodiversity across trophic groups at both the local and landscape scale. Specifically, we aim to understand the impact of land-use intensification on local and surrounding diversity, the underlying mechanisms driving these changes, and how functional diversity across trophic groups influences the provision of ecosystem services.
To achieve this goal, we will collect new data on biodiversity across multiple below- and aboveground trophic groups that play a crucial role in providing essential agroecosystem services, such as soil microorganisms, arthropod herbivores, and predators. Insights from this research will contribute to our understanding of how land-use intensification affects the interplay between biodiversity and ecosystem services at both local and larger scales.

Formation et expérience

  •  2022 - 2023: Research Scientist at Emory Primate Center (Lawrenceville, GA, USA)
  •  2016 - 2020: Thèse à  l'Université de Halle, Allemagne, et au German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Leipzig. Encadrée par Prof. Dr. Jonathan M. Chase.

Titre: Disentangling the mechanisms underlying the island species-area relationship (ISAR) - Soutenue le 15.07.2020

  •  2015 - 2016: Master de Sciences de la Terre et Environnement, Écologie, specialité biodiversité et écosystèmes continentaux, à  l'Université de Bordeaux

Publications significatives

Chase, J.M., L. Gooriah, F. May, W.A. Ryberg, M.S. Schuler, D. Craven, and T.M. Knight. 2019. A framework for disentangling ecological mechanisms underlying the island species–area relationship. Frontiers in Biogeography 11(1):e40844.
Gooriah, L. D., and J. M. Chase. 2020. Sampling effects drive the species–area relationship in lake zooplankton. Oikos 129: 124-132.
Gooriah, L., S. A. Blowes, A. Sagouis, J. Schrader, D. N. Karger, H. Kreft, and J. M. Chase. 2021. Synthesis reveals that Island species-area relationships emerge from processes beyond passive sampling. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(10):2119-2131.

Références bibliographiques

Le Provost G, N. V. Schenk, C. Penone, J. Thiele, C. Westphal, E. Allan, M. Ayasse, N. Blüthgen, R. S. Boeddinghaus, A.L. Boesing and R. Bolliger. 2023. The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature ecology & evolution 7(2):236-49.
Soliveres S, F. Van Der Plas, P. Manning, D. Prati, M. M. Gossner, S. C. Renner, F. Alt, H. Arndt, V. Baumgartner, J. Binkenstein and K. Birkhofer. 2016. Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature 536(7617):456-459.

Date de modification : 09 novembre 2023 | Date de création : 27 septembre 2023 | Rédaction : SRC / LG