Offre de post doctorat en Ecologie

Offre de post doctorat en Ecologie

Etudier l'ampleur du dépérissement de la vigne et les différents facteurs impliqués à l'échelle internationale

The grapevine dieback team at the SAVE Unit (INRAE Bordeaux) is hiring a postdoctoral researcher to work on a newly funded project to explore the incidence of grapevine dieback worldwide and to study the role of climatic factors in the development of a grapevine trunk disease (esca). The project leverages existing dataset of disease monitoring in the vineyard over years and existing collaborations to gather data at a global scale. Grapevine dieback will be studied as a process of yield loss and plant mortality likely caused by various abiotic and biotic factors. Our team has interests in grapevine pathology and physiology. We particularly aim to understand the underlying mechanisms of grapevine trunk pathogeneses and to unravel the role of environmental conditions (climate, drought) in disease development and plant mortality.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a PhD in plant ecology or epidemiology and significant experience working with data analyses (incl. statistical modelling) and skills in networking and research collaboration. Excellent communication skills in English (both written and spoken) are required.

The initial appointment is for one year, with the opportunity for extensions depending on grant funding success (a proposal has been submitted) and performance. Salary will follow the INRAE standards (gross monthly salary ranging from 2400 to 2700€ depending on previous experience).

Please send a cover letter describing your background, interest in the project, and skills related to the project description, a copy of your C.V. including a complete publication list, and contact information for at least two references to