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antérieurs à 2010

Publications à des congrès







Calonnec A, Burie JB, Langlais M (2009) Effect of crop growth and susceptibility on the dynamics of a plant disease epidemic: powdery mildew of grapevine. 10th International Epidemiology Workshop, Geneva, NY, USA: 29-32.

Calonnec A, Delmotte F (2009) Grapevine breeding for disease resistance: relationship between bioassay and field resistance. 10th International Epidemiology Workshop, Geneva, NY, USA: 26-28. 

Corio-Costet M-FDufour M-C, Cigna J, Abadie P, Chen W-J (2009) Résistance de Plasmopara viticola aux fongicides QoIs: variabilité et compétitivité. AFPP, 9ème Conférence Internationale sur les maladies des plantes, Tours, 4-5 décembre, France, 630-639. pdf

Corio-Costet M-F, Sombardier A, Dufour M-CBlancard D (2009) Situation de la résistance de l’oïdium du fraisier (Podosphaera aphanis) aux fongicides DMIs en France. AFPP, 9ème Conférence Internationale sur les maladies des plantes, Tours, 4-5 décembre, France, 621-629. pdf

Dufour M-C, Druelle L, Sauris P, Taris G, Corio-Costet M-F (2009) Efficacités de stimulateurs de défenses des plantes (BTH et phosphonates) sur l’oïdium et le mildiou de la vigne : impact de la diversité des pathogènes. AFPP, 9ème Conférence Internationale sur les maladies des plantes, Tours, 4-5 décembre, France, 526-535. pdf

Dufour M-C, Fontaine S, Micoud A, Corio-Costet M-F (2009) Mise au point d’outils de Q-PCR pour la détection et la quantification des deux groupes génétiques (A et B), de la résistance aux DMIs et aux QoIs chez l’oïdium de la vigne. AFPP, 9ème Conférence Internationale sur les maladies des plantes, Tours, 4-5 décembre, France, 660-669. pdf

Sombardier A, Willocquet LBlancard DCorio-Costet MFSavary S, Bardet A, Eckert C, Trottin-Caudal Y, Denoyes-Rothan B, Pommier JJ, Petit A, Chartier P (2009) Methods used in France to study Strawberry Powdery Mildew in laboratory controlled conditions. Acta Hoticulturae, 842, 283-286.

Vallance J, Le Floch G, Déniel F, Rey P (2009) Biocontrol management in soilless culture: impact of the antagonist Phytium oligandrum on native populations. IOBC/wprs bulletin, 43, 189-192. pdf


Calonnec A, Delière L, Cartolaro P, Delmotte F, Forget D, Wiedemann-Merdinoglu S, Merdinoglu D, Schneider C (2008) Evaluation of grapevine to downy and powdery mildew resistance in a population segregating for Run1 and Rpv1 resistance genes. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 36, 45-52. pdf

Delmotte F, Giresse X, Richard-Cervera S, Vear F, Tourvieille J, Walser P, Tourvieille de Labrouhe D (2008) EST-derived markers highlight genetic relationships among Plasmopara halstedii French races. 17th International Sunflower Conference, 1, 187-192. pdf

Fermaud M, Valdes-Gomez H, Calonnec A, Roudet J, Gary C (2008) A multivariate analysis of combined effects of (micro)climate, vegetative and reproductive growth on grey mould incidence in grapevine. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 36, 91-94. pdf

Leger B, Cartolaro P, Delière L, Delbac L, Clerjeau M, Naud O (2008) An expert-based crop protection decision strategy against grapevine's powdery and downy mildews epidemics: Part 1) formalization. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 36, 145-153. pdf

Sentenac G, Thiéry D (2008) Current biological and biotechnical tools to control grapevine pests and vectors. Mondiaviti, Bordeaux, France.

Thebaud G, Dallot S, Labonne G, Peyrard N, Chadoeuf J, Calonnec A (2008) Testing the spatial association of disease patterns between two dates in orchards Acta Horticulturae, 781, 255-260. pdf

Tourvieille de Labrouhe D, Penaud A, Walser P, Mestries E, Moinard J, Serre F, Thiéry C, Garric B, Delmotte F, Pinochet X (2008) Determining the sunflower downy mildew risk by soil analysis. 17th International Sunflower Conference, 1, 169-174. pdf

Vallance J, Le Floch G, Déniel F, Rey P (2008) Biocontrol management in soilless culture: impact of the antagonist Phytium oligandrum on native populations. IOBC/wprs bulletin, 43, 189-192.

Van Helden M, Pain G, Pithon J (2008) Landscape characteristics influencing pest populations in viticulture. Working Group " Integrated Protection in Viticulture". IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 36, 369-373. pdf  


Belhadj A, Saigne C, Telef N, Cluzet S, Merillon JM, Corio-Costet MF (2006) Grapevine protection against Erysiphe necator by methyl jasmonate treatment-studies defence responses. 8th International Conference on Pest and Diseases, AFPP, 868-875. pdf

Calonnec A, Cartolaro P, Delière L, Chadoeuf J (2006) Powdery mildew on grapevine: the date of primary contamination affects disease development on leaves and damage on grape. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 29(11), 67-73. pdf

Calonnec A, Cartolaro P, Naulin JM, Langlais M, Burie JB, Roman J, Tessier G (2006) A powdery mildew /grapevine simulation model for the understanding and management of epidemics. 5th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew, 127-129. pdf

Cartolaro P, Delière L, Kemmitt G, Green E (2006) Evaluation of fungicide strategies designed to reduce the number of treatments against grapevine powdery mildew. 5th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew, 153-155. pdf

Corio-Costet MF, Delmotte F, Martinez F, Giresse X, Raynal M, Richard-Cervera S, Douence L, Panon ML, Chen WJ (2006) Resistance aux Qois du mildiou de la vigne (Plasmopara viticola) : origine et diversité. 8th International Conference on Pest and Diseases, AFPP, 612-620. pdf

Delbac L, Brustis JM, Delière L, Cartolaro P, Van Helden M, Thiéry D, Clerjeau M (2006) Development of decision rules for pest vineyard management. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 29(11), 41-42. pdf

Delière L, Cartolaro P, Sauris P (2006) Action curative des fongicides anti-oïdium : incidence sur l’élaboration de stratégies de protection à nombre réduit de traitements. 8th International Conference on Pest and Diseases, AFPP, CR-ROM, Tours, France.

Hufnagl A, Delière L, Cartolaro P, Guillot V (2006) Efficacité de l’association myclobutanil + quinoxyfen vis-à-vis du mildiou de la vigne. 8th International Conference on Pest and Diseases, AFPP, CD-ROM.

Laveau C, Letouze A, Louvet G, Bastien S, Guérin-Dubrana L (2006) Etude de l'agressivité des champignons impliqués dans l'esca et le Black Dead Arm de la vigne. 8th International Conference on Pest and Diseases, AFPP, CD-ROM. pdf

Lecomte P, Darrieutort G, Defives A, Louvet G, Liminana JM, Blancard D (2006) Observations of black dead arm symptoms in bordeaux vineyards: evolution of foliar symptoms, localisation of longitudinal necroses, questions, hypotheses. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 29(11), 93-94. pdf

Lecomte P, Darrieutort G, Liminana JM (2006) Maladies de dépérissements de la vigne : essais récents de lutte en vignoble, méthodologie et résultats. 8th International Conference on Pest and Diseases, AFPP, 15-23. pdf

Thiéry D, Moreau J (2006) Grape cultivar affects larval and female fitness of the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 29(11), 131-138. pdf

Thiéry D, Rétaud P, Dumas-Lattaque L, Féru R, Xuéreb A, Bourriau F (2006) Trapping Lobesia botrana females with apple juice: a valuable tool to predict oviposition ? IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 29(11), 235-239. pdf

Valdes H, Fermaud M, Calonnec A, Gary C (2006) Relationships between vine vigour and the incidence of grey mold and powdery mildew in Aranel grapevines. 9th International European Society Agronomy Congress, II, 489-490. pdf

Van Helden M, Fargeas E, Fronzes M, Maurice O, Thibaud M, Gil F, Pain G (2006) The influence of local and landscape characteristics on insect pest population levels in viticulture. IOBC/wrps Bulletin, 29(6), 145-149. pdf  


Pieri P, Fermaud M (2005) Effects of defoliation on temperature and wetness of grapevine berries. Acta Horticulturae, 689, 109-116.

Valdes H, Celette F, Fermaud M, Cartolaro P, Clerjeau M, Gary C (2005) How to evaluate the influence of vegetative vigour in grape vine susceptibility to cryptogamic diseases. 14th GESCO, 832-838. pdf