[POURVU] - Offre de post-doctorat Offre de post-doctorat en génomique des populations

[POURVU] - Offre de post-doctorat en génomique des populations

We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral scientist to study genetic determinism and evolutionary dynamics mediating host-pathogen quantitative interactions. The project focuses on the major crop pathogen Plasmopara viticola that causes grapevine downy mildew.

Plant genetic resistances are used in crops to confer complete or partial host immunity. However, resistance genes can be defeated by pathogens leading to a loss of efficiency. If breakdown of total resistance has been widely examined, it is not clear how this knowledge can translate to predominantly quantitative interactions between host and pathogen. P. viticola is a biotrophic oomycetes that is involve in a quantitative interaction with partial resistances of grapevine. The aim of the project is to elucidate the genetic architecture, the mode of inheritance and the temporal evolution of virulence factors that drive P. viticola host adaptation.

Détails pour postuler ici : https://jobs.inrae.fr/en/ot-22137