Congrès internationaux

A des congrès internationaux

Conférences invitées

Fermaud M, Roudet J, Calonnec A, Debord C, Vergnes M, Georges M, Fulchic R, Raynal M (2019) IOBC meeting Integrated Protection in Viticulture, 05-08 November 2019, Vila Real, Portugal (key-note) (résumé)

Thiéry D, Vogelweith F, Moreau J (2017) How to improve grape moth pests control in viticulture. Which research fields should be promoted? 16th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships. Université François-Rabelais, Tours, France, 2-6 July 2017 (key-note) (résumé)

Rousseau E, Bonneault M, Fabre F, Moury B, Mailleret L, Grognard F (2016) Stochastic epidemiological model for the analysis of plant resistance break-down to pathogens subjected to genetic drift. Emerging trends in applied mathematics and mechanics (ETAMM 2016), 30 mai-3 juin 2016, Perpignan, FRA

Thiéry D (2019) The spread of Vespa velutina, the invasive predator of honeybees in Europe: expansive research is required to improve its control. 30ème Congrès UIEIS-SF(Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux-Section Française), 28-30 aout 2019, Avignon, France (chercheur invité) (résumé)

Calonnec A, 2014. Epidémiologie de l'oïdium de la vigne. In European Sulfur Symposium. Nice - France. (Key Note)

Rey P2014. Comparison of fungal and bacterial communities that colonize the wood of esca-symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines. In.COST FA 1303: Sustainable control of grapevine trunk disease.Lisbonne, Portugal, 19-21 février 2014. (kick-off meeting)

Rey P2013. Biotechnologies et protection des végétaux: intérêt de la microflore colonisatrice des plantes. In.Symposium du Centenaire de l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie (INRAT).Gammarth - Tunisie, 27-28 novembre 2013. (Key Note)

Calonnec A, Burie JB, Langlais M, Guyader S, Saint-Jean S, Sache I, Tivoli B, 2012. Impact of plant growth and architecture on pathogen processes and consequences for the epidemic behaviour. In.Plant and Canopy Architecture Impact on Disease Epidemiology and Pest Development.Rennes - France, 2 July 2012. (Key Note)

Delmotte F, Louvet G, Richard-Cervera S, Mestre P, Schilder A, Austerlitz F, Fontaine MC, 2011. New and Emerging Fungal Diseases of Animals and Plants: evolutionary aspects in the context of global changes. In Jacques Monod Conference, Roscoff (France), June 25-29, 2011. (Key Note)

Rey PBruez EVallance J, Lecomte P, Guérin-Dubrana L, Laval V, Gautier A, Lebrun M, 2011. Characterization of fungal and bacterial communities colonizing the wood tissues of healthy and Esca-diseased vines In.Workshop on wood-canker diseases, University California Davis. Oakville - USA, 17-19 October 2011 (Key Note)

Calonnec A2010. Modelling the effect of plant growth and susceptibility on the developement of plant disease epidemics: powdery mildew of grapevine. In.Patholux 2010 - Impact of plant pathogens on food quality of agricultural crops and wine.Remich - Luxembourg: Bohn T., Beyer M., Evers D., Hoffmann L. (Key Note)

Delmotte F2009. When population genetics highlight the epidemiology of grapevine downy and powdery mildew. In COST 858 Final Meeting.Bordeaux - France, October 27-30, 2009 (Key Note)